Persistent Pain


Persistent pain is such a horrible unrecognised and difficult situation to be in for people who are suffering from it. It would be a lot easier sometimes if you had a cast on or people could see where the actual injury is because it’s almost like that silent suffering that goes on.

People can’t really understand what you’re having to cope with, how, it takes over people’s lives. It absolutely stops them from doing the things they want to be able to do.

But, it also makes it completely impossible to be able to enjoy doing the simple things in life. Just being able to do some things without effort and without strain and without pain.

The everyday activities the vast majority of us are lucky enough to take for granted. It’s a very difficult journey for people one of the most difficult things is the journey to find a diagnosis. And in the pursuit of this there’s often test after test after test.

Specialists are trying to put a name or label on conditions just to be able to put it into a certain category.

A lot of the time this leads to a complete misdiagnosis. That with the information that’s given about that issue on google or on the internet from neighbours or friends.

Or even, the approach that you receive from certain people which usually involves “stop doing things, you’re going to make things worse, you’re going to need this operation to happen, or we’re going to have this injection”. Inevitably those things don’t work and you’re stuck in a cycle of trying to find an answer where do I go to next?

Lots of people out there are offering a magic fix for these issues and that’s really not what works for on-going persistent pain. But it’s a long journey for people trying to find where to go to, and in that time, the things that they value the most are taken away from them.

Now if you are suffering like that, your mood is affected, your confidence is affected, an overwhelming fear grips you where you become afraid of the pain and you start to move differently, move slowly, move stiffly, do less and less in order to try and avoid experiencing that horrendous pain.
In order to try and avoid a flair up because when a flair up happens it can be difficult for it to calm down. It definitely helps if your pain is understood.

It often involves you over coming some challenges, whether that’s the fear around moving again or looking forward, making some goals and working towards that. Very rarely is it ever the answer to stop doing things. The approach of I need all my pain to go before I start doing stuff again needs to be turned on it’s head.

It’s more really that you need to start doing things again in your life in order for your pain to go. Your pain won’t go until you start making moves to get your life back.
That’s the approach we take here at the clinic.

We have a huge amount of experience in helping people who tried and failed every other approach;

  • pain management programs
  • injections
  • physios
  • chiropractors
  • osteopaths
  • whatever specialist that’s out there

If you have any question or you know someone who wants help with this situation please reach out to us and we can talk and take it from there. Thanks.


Ankle injuries are one of the highest recurring injuries. This is often because of inadequate rehabilitation, underdosing of exercises and not enough treatment sessions. 

The ligaments of the ankle can be sprained and or torn such as when landing on the inside or outside of your foot. If there is a complete tear of the ligaments, the ankle joint may become unstable. Over time, this instability can result in weakness to the bones and cartilage of the ankle joint.

Most sprained ankles occur in the lateral ligaments on the outside of the ankle. Your foot can twist unexpectedly during many different activities, such as:

Walking on an uneven surface
Participating in sports that require cutting actions or rolling and twisting of the foot such as tennis, football, and soccer

With a sprained ankle you may experience:

An area that is painful to touch
A feeling of instability of the ankle
Pain associated with walking

Without proper treatment and rehabilitation, a more severe sprain can weaken your ankle, making it more likely that you will injure it again. Repeated ankle sprains can lead to long-term problems, including chronic ankle pain, arthritis, and ongoing instability.

If the muscle is affected this is called a strain and can happen when the fibres of the muscle stretch or tear. With a muscle strain you may notice:

pain in the affected muscle
muscle tightness or spasm
loss of some, or all, of the function in the affected muscle
blood collecting under the skin at the site of the strain – this is known as a haematoma and it looks like a large, dark-red bruise

Repeated ankle injuries can be debilitating, lead to chronic pain and prevent you from participating in the activities that you love. Here at the P&P Clinic we ensure that you get a comprehensive assessment, an accurate diagnosis and a thorough plan from day one to ensure you get long term results. We pride ourselves on giving the most accurate diagnoses, and this is why our patients have experienced such success in their treatments.

We will provide specific hands-on techniques to help you get to your goals faster and we will provide you with sport specific or tailored exercises that are designed in such a way to help you return to what you love doing. Generalised exercises that are not functional in nature tend to be least successful when it comes to rehabilitation, if your goal is to return to running then your exercises will be designed in such a way to mimic some of those movements and get you running longer, stronger and pain-free. Our treatment techniques will ensure a speedy recovery from ankle and foot pain whilst reducing the risk of recurring injury.

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